Wish dat if i could do da part time job at d hotel, i manage 2 carry on wif my study as well...
Just need to add up some pocket money on my own without rely on my family neymore...
Im also hoping 4 a scholarship from jpa...
Nowadays dis country has so much financial problems, so im a bit worry...
Can i survive wif my sickness??
Moaning + Hoping = Wondering...???
Da suckiest thing is.....
Da worst thing ever dat happened last 'weeks', was totally disasterS.
I will remembered those thingS 4 damn da rest of my life..!! (No need 2 b mention)
Food, weight, sickness, hosp, him, sorrowful.
I Love my family...
I love u FYK!! ( Have u ever realize dat really n truly??)
Im desperate.
In all conditions.
N i dont know y.